Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs about Essential Oil Diffusers
Essential oils have been used for a long time for all the benefits they provide, but what makes a good quality blend and how can we diffuse it to reap all the benefits? You may think there is a lot of water mixed with only a few drops of oil inside the diffuser, which doesn’t feel like enough. However, essential oils are highly concentrated, and adding too much can have negative effects that we should avoid. Much like this, here are some more frequently asked questions about essential oil diffusers:
· How Much Essential Oil is too much to Use in Diffusers?
Essential oil Diffusers come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 100 ml to 500 ml, and sometimes larger. As a general rule, the ratio you need to follow is 1 drop per 50 ml or 2-3 drops per 100ml. So, if your diffuser is of 500ml capacity, then 10 drops of essential oil will do the trick. But you also need to remember that it’s not about more or less, it’s about getting a perfect balance. If you add too much, the fragrance can be overwhelming, and if you overuse it, it can cause adverse effects, especially if you have allergies.
· Should we use Carrier Oils in the Diffuser?
The function of carrier oils is simply to dilute the essential oils, as essential oils they are highly concentrated and should not be applied directly to the skin. But, when it comes to essential oil diffusers, you won’t have to worry, as unless otherwise stated, water will take place of the carrier oil. You only have to follow the recommended steps with the mixing and you are good to go.
· How Long Should We Diffuse?
It entirely depends upon our preference. Essential oil diffusers can work their magic from anywhere between 1 hour to 8 hours. Although there is no exact science to this, it is recommended to diffuse on full mist for about 30 - 60 minutes and reduce to intermittant mist setting if this is available . This is enough time to saturate a standard-sized room. And if you are wondering whether it is okay to diffuse every day, the answer is yes. But, you need to avoid constant diffusion, as it can reverse the benefits. The best way is to diffuse for 30 – 60 minutes, then let it off for 30 – 60 minutes, and then on again if you dont have the 15s/intermittant setting.
· How Often the Diffuser should be cleaned?
It is very important to clean your essential oil diffusers frequently. The last thing you want is your diffuser to diffuse unwanted particles into your room. If you don’t clean it, the residual water in the tank can cause mold or mildew growth. However, the maintenance isn’t that hard. You can simply clean your diffuser with gentle soap and warm water after each use, and you have to make sure it is completely dry. Also, it is a good idea to let the diffuser run one cycle with just water after multiple uses. This way, you can remove any unwanted residue from the diffuser. Also remember that an essential oil diffuser has elecrical components most often at the base, so don’t submerge it in water.
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